@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.97}}
@comment{{Command line: bib2bib -c 'inweb = "1"' -c 'year = 2008' -oc tzoumas_2008 -ob tzoumas_2008.bib ../tzoumas.bib}}
@article{EmiTzo08cad, author = {I.Z. Emiris and G.M. Tzoumas}, title = {Exact and efficient evaluation of the {InCircle} predicate for parametric ellipses and smooth convex objects}, journal = {Comp.-Aid.\ Des.}, volume = {40}, number = {6}, year = {2008}, issn = {0010-4485}, pages = {691--700}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2008.05.001}, publisher = {Butterworth-Heinemann}, address = {Newton, MA, USA}, webpage = {http://www.elsevier.com/locate/cad/}, inweb = 1 }
@article{EmTsTz08ijcga_alt, author = {Emiris, I.~Z. and Tsigaridas, E.~P. and Tzoumas, G.~M.}, title = {Predicates for the Exact {Voronoi} Diagram of Ellipses under the {Euclidean} Metric}, journal = {Intern.\ J.\ Comp.\ Geom.\ \& Appl.}, number = 6, pages = {567--597}, volume = 18, year = 2008, webpage = {http://www.worldscinet.com/ijcga/ijcga.shtml}, inweb = 1 }
@inproceedings{EmTsTz08ewcg, author = {Emiris, I.Z. and Tsigaridas, E.P and Tzoumas, G.M.}, title = {Voronoi diagram of ellipses in {CGAL}}, booktitle = {24th Europ.\ Workshop Comp.\ Geom.}, year = 2008, pages = {87--90}, address = {Nancy, France}, webpage = {http://eurocg08.loria.fr/}, pdf = {papers/EmTsTz-EWCG08-VorEll.pdf}, project = {http://www.loria.fr/~tzoumas/vorell/}, inweb = 1 }
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