@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.97}}
@comment{{Command line: bib2bib -c 'inweb = "1"' -c 'year = 2011' -oc tzoumas_2011 -ob tzoumas_2011.bib ../tzoumas.bib}}
@misc{Tzo11a:web, author = {Tzoumas, G.M.}, title = {Algebraic number comparison through arrangements of hypersurfaces}, note = {Manuscript. (for pdf see SAGA poster below or contact me)}, year = 2011, inweb = 1 }
@misc{Tzo11b:web, author = {Tzoumas, G.M.}, title = {Exact medial axis of quadratic {NURBS} and efficient bisector pruning}, note = {Manuscript. (for pdf see EuroCG version or contact me)}, year = 2011, inweb = 1 }
@inproceedings{Tzo11ewcg, author = {Tzoumas, G.M.}, title = {Exact medial axis of quadratic {NURBS} curves}, booktitle = {27th Europ.\ Workshop Comp.\ Geom.}, pages = {91--94}, year = 2011, address = {Morschach, Switzerland}, webpage = {http://eurocg11.inf.ethz.ch/}, pdf = {http://eurocg11.inf.ethz.ch/abstracts/52.pdf}, hal = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00581588/en/}, inweb = 1 }
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