Package lib :: Module holiday :: Class HolidayProvider
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Class HolidayProvider

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object --+

class holding the holidays throught the year(s)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, s_normal, s_weekend, s_holiday, s_weekend_holiday, s_multi, s_weekend_multi, multiday_markers=True)
initialize a HolidayProvider object
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_parse_day_record(self, fields)
return tuple (etype,ddef,footer,header,flags)
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_multi_holiday_tuple(self, header, footer, flags)
returns a 4-tuple of Holiday objects representing (beginning, end, first-day-of-month, rest)
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load_holiday_file(self, filename)
load a holiday file into the HolidayProvider object
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get_holiday(self, y, m, d)
return a Holiday object for the specified date (y,m,d) or None if no holiday is defined
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get_style(self, flags, dow)
return appropriate style object, depending on flags and dow
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__call__(self, year, month, dom, dow)
returns (header,footer,day_style)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
dict of events occuring annually, indexed by tuple (day,month).
for each year requested, all holidays occuring within that year (annual, monthly, easter-based etc.) are precomputed and stored into dict cache, indexed by a date() object
dict of events relative to the catholic easter Sunday, indexed by an integer days offset
fixed date events, indexed by a date() object
events occuring on St George's day (orthodox calendar special computation)
event occuring monthly, indexed by int day
dict of events relative to the orthodox easter Sunday, indexed by an integer days offset
set holding cached years; each new year requested, triggers a cache-fill operation
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, s_normal, s_weekend, s_holiday, s_weekend_holiday, s_multi, s_weekend_multi, multiday_markers=True)

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initialize a HolidayProvider object

  • s_normal - style class object for normal (weekday) day cells
  • s_weekend - style for weekend day cells
  • s_holiday - style for holiday day cells
  • s_weekend_holiday - style for holiday cells on weekends
  • s_multi - style for multi-day holiday weekday cells
  • s_weekend_multi - style for multi-day holiday weekend cells
  • multiday_markers - if True, then use end-of-multiday-holiday markers and range markers (with dots), otherwise only first day and first-day-of-month are marked
Overrides: object.__init__

_parse_day_record(self, fields)

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return tuple (etype,ddef,footer,header,flags)

Returns: (char,type(ddef),str,str,int)

Note: ddef is one of the following:

  • None
  • int
  • ((y,m,d),)
  • ((y,m,d),(y,m,d))

_multi_holiday_tuple(self, header, footer, flags)

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returns a 4-tuple of Holiday objects representing (beginning, end, first-day-of-month, rest)

  • header - passed as [header] of the generated Holiday object
  • footer - passed as [footer] of the generated Holiday object
  • flags - flags of the generated Holiday object
Returns: (Holiday,Holiday,Holiday,Holiday)

load_holiday_file(self, filename)

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load a holiday file into the HolidayProvider object

File Format:

  • type|date*span|footer|header|flags
  • type|date1-date2|footer|header|flags
  • type|date|footer|header|flags


  • d: event occurs annually fixed day/month; date=MMDD
  • d: event occurs monthly, fixed day; date=DD
  • d: fixed day/month/year combination (e.g. deadline, trip, etc.); date=YYYYMMDD
  • oe: Orthodox Easter-dependent holiday, annually; date=integer offset in days
  • ge: Georgios' name day, Orthodox Easter dependent holiday, annually; date field is ignored
  • ce: Catholic Easter holiday; date=integer offset in days

date*span and range date1-date2 supported only for date=YYYYMMDD (fixed) events

flags: comma-separated list of the following:

  1. off
  2. multi
  3. reminder (or any prefix of it)


   d|0101||New year's|off
   d|0501||Labour day|off
   ce|-2||Good Friday|
   ce|1||Easter Monday|off
   d|20130223-20130310|winter vacations (B)||multi
  • filename - file to be loaded

get_holiday(self, y, m, d)

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return a Holiday object for the specified date (y,m,d) or None if no holiday is defined

Returns: Holiday

Note: If year y has not been requested before, the cache is updated first with all holidays that belong in y, indexed by date() objects.

get_style(self, flags, dow)

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return appropriate style object, depending on flags and dow

  • flags - bit combination of holiday flags
  • dow - day of week
Returns: Style

__call__(self, year, month, dom, dow)
(Call operator)

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returns (header,footer,day_style)

  • month - month (0-12)
  • dom - day of month (1-31)
  • dow - day of week (0-6)
Returns: (str,str,Style)

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


dict of events occuring annually, indexed by tuple (day,month). Note each dict entry is actually a list of Holiday objects. This is also true for the other instance variables: monthly, fixed, orth_easter, george, cath_easter.